Community Acupuncture in my Secret Garden

One of my personal favorite ways to have acupuncture is surrounded by others doing the exact same thing. When the weather is beautiful, the wind is gently blowing, the birds are singing us their song and the sun streams its golden rays across my legs, my soul sings and everything is right in the world. Putting these two things together is a match made in heaven!

2021 saw so many changes and shifts and turmoil and blessings. I decided to convert a pretty and offset area in my yard to a community style acupuncture space! Outdoors! It’s magic.

When the weather is nice, I’ll be there. Come join me!



Increase immune system function

Lower anxiety

Relieve insomnia

Transform pain

In community, which, in my over 15 years of experience can profoundly increase the healing for all involved.

For community acupuncture, I see people every 15 minutes, I have 4 zero gravity chairs. Stay as long as you need. This is cash only. So give what you can. I want to suggest $50 but add a bit more if you can, less if you need. Barter is alive and well here. But I won’t turn ANYONE away. Follow my ‘book now’ and join us.

Amy DePoint